Client: Widr Pay 🇫🇷

Year: 2020

Methods, Frameworks, Practices:

Widr Pay Overview

The main goal of the Widr Pay project can be defined as improving the cash flow between a law firm and its clients.

To achieve this, Widr Pay uses tools to digitalize related processes, moving payment processes online and building a seamless process from the moment an invoice is issued to the receipt of payment for it.


Issuing new invoices using Widr Pay has shown its effectiveness - the average payment time has decreased and the proportion of unpaid invoices has decreased.

However, in every law firm, there is a pool of previously sent but not yet paid invoices. Converting a previously sent invoice to an invoice that can be paid online using a link requires more effort than preparing and sending a new invoice.

Why? Due to the need to manually enter the date of the previously issued invoice, as well as its number - data that is generated by Widr Pay when creating a new invoice. The slowdown in the process of creating a digital invoice for the corresponding previously submitted one, ranged from 20% to 50%, compared to creating a new invoice. The variation is due to the format for storing information about sent invoices.


Julien Le, Hashtag Avocats

Julien Le, Hashtag Avocats

We conducted several qualitative studies: we monitored the work of secretaries and office managers of law firms and also interviewed representatives of this audience. We have identified the most painful areas of working with Widr Pay and also put forward several hypotheses for levelling them out.

Research Conclusion

The largest amount of physical and mental effort is consumed by routine, mechanical work, which nevertheless requires the utmost attention - the exact transfer of data from the old invoice (which can be printed on paper or stored as a PDF file) into the form for preparing and sending a new invoice via Widr Pay.